Here's us, plus our boys and friends, aren't we precious?!

So David and I got to Kelsey's house around 11 and Kayla came over. We all headed out to get some lunch and then the shopping began after that! We went to Guitar Center first and then to the Wolfchase. I hate to admit this on the internet in front of millions, but I cheated on my job! My girls and I wanted to run into Aerie (American Eagle's undies store). I bought underwear from a place other than VS...I didn't feel bad though, because these are cheaper and cuter :) That store is seriously my new favorite! Then we ran by Forever 21 and I did a quick run around the store to find some good purchases. We had a mission, we had to get to Midtown's Urban Outfitters before it closed at 6! So I did a quick sweep, got two super cute tops and we made a mad dash for Urban! If any of you DON'T know me, you don't know my obsession with UO. I seriously can't get over the amazingness that is them. I walked into the store and sighed in excitement. I didn't even know where to begin. I ended up only purchasing 3 things (2 being the awesome 2 for $30 shoes I'm IN LOVE with). I couldn't break the bank in that store...even though I could have. There was this dress that I've been eying online and they happened to have it in store...I tried it on and it was HOT, but I couldn't bring myself to buy it for $59.00 so I left with slight sadness/joy because of my sweet deal on a $13.99 boyfriend fit shirt. After that we went back to Guitar Center and David got some necessities for his pedal board before they closed at 6 (we were told they closed at 9...good thing I didn't spend too long in UO, I would've had a perturbed boyfriend). Then, we went to FAVORITE STORE IN THE WORLD. I got some cute things and an awesome shower curtain for my bathroom in the house! YAY! Then we had an American style dinner at Corky's (we couldn't NOT do was the 4th of July for goodness sake!) and then some fantastic Sheridan's custard. Then David and I said our goodbyes to our friends (who happen to live near Memphis but don't know their way around it AT ALL) and headed home. On our way back we saw over 10 different firework shows, quite the ending to a fun day!
I know this is a pointless blog, but I don't think you people know my obsession with shopping (bargain shopping though, I hate buying full price)!
That's it folks!
Living life in letters,
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